︎︎︎    Polistil Vietnam (2022)
︎︎︎    Visual Identity System

University’s project learns to research, brainstorm and create a storytelling visual identity system.

Polistil in Vietnam has been described by the connection between the generations through the new brand identity system that celebrates the historical values in Polistil toys.

Polistil was an Italian toy company producing metal and plastic die-cast cars in different sizes. It started making things in 1955 and went out of business in 1933 after being in industry for 33 years.

Imagine that, Polistil has revived selling in the Vietnam market. Based on the new target audience, Polistil has edited to be a company that mainly produces legendary vehicle models in Vietnam, which will be meticulously created in small sizes.

Polistil is a bond in the current day that connects legend images representing the past and the young generation as the future.

The infinity symbol also represented a loop. It demonstrates the responsibility that Polistil needs to do: keeping old things and telling the future about them.

      ︎︎︎    References images

The loop concept is used as a key visual in a variety of identities.

Besides logos, a set of icons has been illustrated to replicate unique types of vehicles in Vietnam. It is planned to categorize types of Polistil vehicle models.

The packaging boxes were conceptualised consistently.

The name of the model is the most highlighted part which is named like the vehicle in the reality. The pictogram corresponding to each model type is a background for a model image.

The shipping van for Polistil is designed based on the message: “ Bringing joyful in every model.
